Anthony Fasano PE, Executive Director of New York State Society of Professional Engineers (NYSSPE) speaks with Mark Kriss, Esq., NYSSPE legislative counsel in our third June/July legislative video update on the proposed Design Build (in New York City) legislation.
It is important to note that, in general, NYSSPE is in favor of Design Build, as long as it is done in a way that there are proper safeguards in place to protect the public. Design Build is a complex area and there are many parameters to be aware of. You can view a comprehensive FAQ on Design Build in New York here.
Legislation on Design Build in NYC has begun to gain some momentum during this session. However, this specific proposed Design Build legislation does not have the quality assurance and public safety protection that NYSSPE believes are necessary. Click here to read our latest opposition statement.
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There is no substitute for professional integrity. As a Professional Engineer whenever I sat down and pressed My seal on a set of MY Structural Designs and subsequent drawings I knew of the responsibility it carried to myself, my client and the end user. I take my oath seriously and pride before profit literally. NSPE did, and still I hope, prescribe to that philosophy.
You can not legislate integrity! We can only aspire to it, and demonstrate our commitment to it, with deeds, not words.
There always needs to be protection to be provided to protect the public. The city must have overview to insure that the work meets all regulations & code.
Mark it was good to see the presentation & you. The State society has improved it’s Political presentation. You are looking good & brought back some good memories. Be well.
Lou Albano