This past June at our NYSSPE Annual Conference in White Plains, I had the pleasure to meet Marvin Specter, PE, LS. Mr. Specter joined NSPE in 1955, was President of the Westchester Chapter in 1968, State President in 1972, NSPE National President in 1982, and that year founded the National Academy of Forensic Engineers. (NAFE). He also Co-founded the Council of Engineering and Scientific Specialty Boards (CESB) in 1990 and was President in 1993. [Read more…]
NYSSPE December 2017 Legislative Update – Design Build in New York
Here is a time-stamped breakdown of the video to make it easier to find the sections of interest to you: [Read more…]
Happy Holidays form The New York State Society of Professional Engineers
NYSSPE wishes you and your family happy holidays and a very happy and healthy 2018. We are here to help you with your questions or concerns about engineering practice in the State of New York, so please feel free to reach out to us.
Please leave comments or questions below on specific topics you would like us to focus on in 2018.
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Note: NYSSPE facilitates posting on this blog, but the views and accounts expressed herein are those of the author(s) and not the views or accounts of NYSSPE, its officers or directors whose views and accounts may or may not be similar or identical. NYSSPE, its officers and directors do not express any opinion regarding any product or service by virtue of reference to such product or service in this blog.
NYSSPE Video Update – How to Report the Unlawful Practice of Engineering
Here is a time-stamped breakdown of the video to make it easier to find the sections of interest to you: [Read more…]
NYSSPE Legislative Update November 2017 – Indemnification
Here is a time-stamped breakdown of the video to make it easier to find the sections of interest to you: [Read more…]
NYSSPE Legislative Update October 2017 – Parking Garage Legislation Update
Here is a time-stamped breakdown of the video to make it easier to find the sections of interest to you: [Read more…]
NYSSPE Co-signs Letter to The Department of Buildings (DOB) with Respect to Proposed Fee Increases
The New York City Department of Buildings (DOB) is proposing to add fees for variation of the Construction Codes, the 1968 or prior Building Code, or section 277.16 of the New York State Multiple Dwelling Law (MDL) for Article 7B buildings; predetermination requests with respect to the Zoning Resolution, Construction Codes or 1968 or prior Building Code; and appeals of objections that were affirmed (click here for information).
The New York State Society of Professional Engineers (NYSSPE) is in opposition of the proposed fee increases and recently co-signed a letter with several other organizations in an effort to meet and discuss our view with the DOB. These other organizations include: The American Institute of Architects (AIA), Society of American Registered Architects NY (SARA), Architects Council of New York City, Inc., and the American Council of Engineering Companies of New York (ACEC).
Championing the PE License – NSPE BOD July 2017 Update
The following is an excerpt from the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) Board of Directors (BOD) summary report for July of 2017 written by NSPE Executive Director Mark Golden, FASAE, CAE.
NSPE expressed disappointment and concern that a bill on the testing and deployment of highly automated vehicles will allow automakers to deploy the vehicles without first addressing the major safety, technological, and ethical implications.
The draft legislation, the Highly Automated Vehicle Testing and Deployment Act of 2017, is being considered by the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Digital Commerce and Consumer Protection. Recognizing the promise of highly automated vehicles, NSPE has been a leading advocate on the need to place the public health, safety, and welfare first, and require a licensed professional engineer to play a key role in the development, testing, and safety certification of autonomous vehicles. NSPE is urging defeat of the legislation in its current form until these concerns are addressed. NSPE has been proactively working with Congress to address these vital issues. Rep. David McKinley, PE (R-WV), a longtime NSPE member, has been raising these issues with the subcommittee. In particular, NSPE and McKinley have expressed concerns about the lack of a requirement for a third-party certification by someone in the decision-making chain (i.e., a professional engineer) who has a duty that puts public safety first and overrides competitive pressures. You can watch Rep. McKinley’s remarks on this topic. Update: The Committee did pass the bill. [Read more…]
2016-2017 Annual Report from the NYSSPE Executive Director Anthony Fasano, P.E.
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I believe this past year will be remembered as a very important one in the history the New York State Society of Professionals Engineers.
I believe this is so because we took monumental steps towards one of our main priorities at this time, which is: reducing member dues, while increasing member benefits…. [Read more…]
NYSSPE New Member Only Insurance Benefits
Visit this page to request more detailed information on our insurance benefits for members:
The above is a video in which Eric Hukey, CLTC of Long Term Care Brokers, the endorsed provider for insurance benefits for NYSSPE., explains a new NYSSPE member benefit which is available as of June 2017. Below is a summary: [Read more…]