From expos like the Capital District’s E-Week to the hugely successful New York State MATHCOUNTS program, the Foundation for Engineering Education makes possible programs that further and celebrate Engineering Education for all ages.
Statement of Purpose
The Foundation for Engineering Education, Inc. is organized to encourage and preserve the profession of engineering as a career by performing the following activities:
- Offer, conduct, sponsor, and/or endorse educational programs related to engineering and ancillary professions or services, including advanced training and education at professional levels.
- Offer and award grants, scholarships, and other means of assistance for engineering education and training. FEE may establish Scholarship endowment accounts at the request of NYSSPE Chapters where the interest is to be devoted to scholarship purposes.
- Offer, conduct, and/or sponsor guidance activities for students and others, including but not limited to mathematics and/or science competitions and publication and dissemination of guidance materials.
- Offer, conduct, sponsor and/or endorse the provision of related work experience for students and others pursuing a career in engineering.
- Educate the public with regard to the nature and purpose of professional engineering.
- Advance the purposes of the Foundation by publication and dissemination of any materials written or recorded, including full use of communications media, graphic arts, and other as yet undeveloped communication/information mechanisms or technologies.
- Other acts or things incidental to or connected with the foregoing purposes or in advancement thereof to the extent allowed by Article 5 of the Not-For-Profit Corporation Law.
July 2021-June 2022 Officers/Board of Directors
Laura M. Pellizzi, P.E. – President
Malcolm McLaren, PE – Vice President
Laura M. Pellizzi, P.E – Secretary
Peter Krumdieck, P.E. – Treasurer
Paul Adel, P.E. – Scholarship Coordinator
Laura M. Pellizzi, P.E. – MathCounts Coordinator
Board of Directors
Oct 2019 thru June 2021
Keith Lashway, PE
Mark Ritter, PE
Rudi Sherbanksy, PE
Oct 2020 thru June 2022
Peter Krumdieck, PE
Marc A. Chiffert, PE
Larry O’Connor, PE
Steven Grogg, PE