Meeting Minutes
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The Metropolitan Chapters Presidents’ Council (MCPC) is an authorized committee of the NYS Society of Professional Engineers. The council represents the five county NYSSPE Chapters of New York City in all professional matters of mutual interest. The council consists of 5 voting members who are the current Presidents of the 5 NYC Chapters of NYSSPE. The council also has several non-voting members who serve as advisors. These members are the current President of NYSSPE, The Executive Director of NYSSPE, the current NYC Regional Vice President of NYSSPE, the Chairman of Professional Engineers in Construction (PEC) for NYSSPE and the Chairman of Professional Engineers in Private Practice (PEPP) for NYSSPE.
The council’s goals and mission is to promote the practice of Professional Engineers throughout the City of New York. This is accomplished by:
The promotion of public health, welfare and safety, in the advancement of the professional status of all Professional Engineers and in the enhancement of the reputation of the engineering profession.
To represent the members of the Metropolitan Chapters with respect to dealing with NYC Municipal Agencies on issues of professional interest to the engineering community.
To represent the members of the Metropolitan Chapters in all dealings with the media and other trade organizations on issues of professional interest to the engineering community.
To represent the members of the Metropolitan Chapters on issues before the NYS Society of Professional Engineers that are of professional interest to our members.
Voting Members
Bronx County:
Jack Kleinfeld, PE
Kings County:
Elliot Shapiro, PE
New York County:
Diego Alaimo, PE
Richmond County:
Joseph Pasaturo, PE