The New York State Society of Professional Engineers (NYSSPE) representatives attended the New York State Board for Engineering and Land Surveying board meeting on November 14, 2014. The following is a summary of the meeting.
Two board members will be attending an NCEES Outreach Event in January in New York City. The event will serve to assist students with the examination and licensure process.
At the request of NCEES the Board discussed the idea of decoupling exams, meaning that the experience portion of a licensure requirement would not have to be done prior to the taking of the exam. It was mentioned that the surveying profession is considering this; however it has not been popular among states for engineering. It was mentioned that decoupling could pose a challenge if an individual passes two exams in one state then goes to another state and has to take it again.
The Board discussed an ongoing issue with some of the 1999 published FEMA maps, which may be inaccurate. FEMA has asked the field to use the 2011 maps. The changing of the 100-year storm event is affecting insurance rates to the point where people are avoiding moving to certain geographic regions.
The protocol of how the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) is determined on the ground is important. The Board is investigating on how best to provide guidance on how professionals can establish the BFE. There will be more information coming from FEMA on the BFE process in the coming weeks.
NYSAPLS representatives spoke about how technology is impacting the surveying profession, which will be discussed at their upcoming conference. They will also discuss ways to educate students about the profession of land surveying.
The Board discussed the current legislative process and a book entitled The Dance of Legislation by Eric Redman.
The Board gave an update on NYSSPE’s legislation that requires a bachelor’s degree to obtain an engineering license. While the bill was not passed, it did pass the Assembly and the Board is still in support of this bill.
The Geology bill aimed at licensing geologists was delivered to the Governor’s office for his signature. (Note: Since this Board meeting, the Governor has signed the Geology bill.)
The Board discussed the Part 29.3 of the Rules of the Board of Regents regarding records retention requirements for the design professions. The Board’s PE committee is currently reviewing the Rule to determine if modifications may help provide clarity to the field.
The Board assists the Department in the review of new engineering programs. Currently the Board is reviewing proposals for engineering programs from 3 New York State Institutions. EXAMS
NCEES is modifying some licensing exams for 2015. Details will be on the NCEES website. The FE exam is now offered in a computer based format and consists of 7 different exam disciplines. The number of people sitting for both the PE and FE exam has slightly decreased from last year.
The Board continues to review and discuss the Penalty Guidelines related disciplinary actions.
Design Build
The Board discussed the current state of Design Build in New York. The Board has developed a draft proposal on the design build process and has shared with interested parties. Representatives from the Board and the Department will be meeting with NYSSPE and ACEC representatives to discuss Design Build in December.
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